Episode 8

July 8 - Musial has a Day

1941 - At the All-Star Game at Briggs Stadium, Ted Williams, hitting .405 at the break, homers off Chicago Cubs P Claude Passeau with two out and two on in the ninth inning to give the American League a dramatic 7 - 5 victory. Williams's 4 RBI are matched by National League SS Arky Vaughan, who hits homers in the seventh and eighth. Williams would end the season hitting .406 and is the last batter in MLB history to reach that mark.

1962: With home runs in his first three at bats, 41-year-old Stan Musial of the Cardinals not only becomes the oldest player to hit three in a game but also ties the major-league record of four straight home runs, as the Cards whip the Mets, 15 - 1. His home run in the second game the day before won the game, 3 - 2. Musial's .924 OPS is the highest of any player 41 years or older in the history of the game. He retired after the 1963 season as one of the top 10 players to ever play the game of baseball.

2001: A librarian finds an 1823 reference to "base ball" marking the earliest known reference to the game. But Thorn finds proof of existence from 1791.

Historical Recap performed by:

Robyn Newton from - Robyn Says

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