
July 3 - Don Drysdale passes away

On July 3, 1912, New York Giants pitcher Rube Marquard sets a modern day record by winning his 19th consecutive game - a 2-1 decision over the rival Brooklyn Dodgers. Dating back to the previous season, Marquard’s winning streak totals 21 straight games.

July 3, 1947, Cleveland Indians owner Bill Veeck purchases the contract of outfielder Larry Doby from the Newark Eagles of the Negro American League. Doby will play in his first game two days later, becoming the first African-American player in American League history. On this same day in 1994 the Indians retire his number.

1966 : Pitcher Tony Cloninger hits two grand slams and drives in nine runs, as the Braves rout the Giants at Candlestick Park, 17 - 3. Cloninger is the first National League player to slam two in a game, and the first pitcher ever, and his nine RBIs are a major-league record for pitchers, breaking Vic Raschi's mark of 7. The National League record for pitchers was 5, held by several: the last hurler to collect five RBIs in a game was Cloninger himself, who had five on June 16th against the Mets.

In 1993, Hall of Famer Don Drysdale dies from a heart attack. The 56-year-old Drysdale had been serving as a broadcaster for the Los Angeles Dodgers. During his 14-year playing career with the Dodgers, the hard-throwing Drysdale won 209 games and pitched 49 shutouts, earning him Hall of Fame election in 1984

Birthday boy Cesar Tovar plays 9 positions: https://youtu.be/Q-qvoU_A45Q

Historical Recap performed by:

Robyn Newton from - Robyn Says

Trivia is provided by -Horseshide Trivia

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